April news - the BIG news and Ipswich library event

It's been a BIG month. Crystal Creek hit the shelves on 24 March, and it's been wonderful to receive a fantastic response from readers - thankyou for the lovely comments on my Facebook page. I'm glad so many have enjoyed the story - I've been eagerly awaiting this third book, which rounds out the main Walker and Bell family stories, and satisfied it's finally here. For those not on my Facebook page, 24 March was also a big day because my baby son decided to arrive - a little early, but healthy and lovely. This gave publication day quite a dramatic injection, especially as I was supposed to be heading to ABC radio for an interview - almost felt like I was in one of my own books! Never mind, that's the nature of these things. In any case, the ABC interview with Steve Austin (about Crystal Creek, building rockets and a few other things) was rescheduled on 7 April, and you can listen to it here. In addition, next week on 30 April, I'll be at Ipswich library at 10:30am for an in-person event, talking about Crystal Creek and writing. If you're around that neck of the woods, would love to meet you there (it's free but you need to book - see poster below).

The other things that happened this month was the Ditmar and Aurealis Awards. Many of my readers know that I write science fiction and fantasy short stories - very different to my Australian novels, but very much my stories too. Well, this year two of my stories were nominated for national awards - a superb honour. And while others left with the final award, I feel immensely chuffed and encouraged.

So, that's it for April news. I'm working on a short story off and on, and THE HORSEMAN, my next Australian novel, is also in the pipeline. It will hopefully be out this time next year. Lots to do, but loving doing it all. Wishing everyone the same. :)

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